WBCo Customer Support

Got a question? Before emailing us, check out our FAQs as you may find the answer you are looking for there :)

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If you still haven't found the answer you are looking for, feel free to get in touch with us at customersupport@sb1beautygroup.com

We do ask that you include your order number if you have one, so that we can locate you on our system.

Please note our customer support operating hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm GMT and our lovely little team will aim to reply to you within 48 business hours.

If you have emailed us and haven't received a reply within 48 business hours, please check your spam/junk email as we may be hiding in there!


Fashion & Editorial

Find a select few of the Fashion and editorial features that our products have been used on

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Explore some of the TV and films where our products have been trusted and used on set by some of the worlds best makeup artists

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Find some of the press features that showcase our products

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